Nashville Tracks
Songwriter demos in Nashville, TN, since 1995!

If you plan to record a full-length EP or album, we often use the same players you hear on the radio. Limit the number of songs to 3-4 per session for the best results. If you're interested in recording your demos, EP, or album in Nashville, we can help you find nearby hotels.
Songwriter Demos
Songwriters can record anywhere from one to twelve songs in a single recording session. We have the top demo singers available in Nashville. Alternatively, we can refer you to someone on Please note that the demo singer's fee is not included in our pricing. Our songwriter demos are fast and have a quick turnaround time. The final mix is included in the flat rate price. Nashville Tracks also offers songwriting consulting services. We will help you pitch your songs to publishers. If you require more information, please contact us for more details.

Various song demo services are available, including online guitar tracks and "Just The Trax" stems. With "Just The Trax," we provide you with the Studio Trax, and you can overdub and mix on your own. Additionally, we offer Guitar/Vocals, Artist Development, Vocal Production, Vocal Overdubs, Vocal Tuning, Mixing, Songwriting Consultation, and Mastering services. Occasionally, we also provide some beat instrument programming for Pop & EDM Tracks.